Julie Hyzy

Julie Hyzy was born and raised in Chicago. She is the creator of:
1. 'White House Chef Mystery' series featuring Olivia Paras, White House executive chef.
2. 'Manor House Mystery' series featuring Grace Wheaton, curator of Marshfield Manor.
3. 'Alex St. James', a news researcher in Chicago.
Visit also the author's own site.


Titles and year of publication:  

 'White House Chef Mystery' Novels
 1) State of the Onion (Anthony Award, Barry Award)  2008
 2) Hail to the Chef  2008
 3) Eggsecutive Orders  2010
 4) Buffalo West Wing  2011
 5) Affairs of Steak  2012
 6) Fonduing Fathers  2012
 7) Home of the Braised  2014
 8) All the President's Menus  2015
 9) Foreign Éclairs  2016
 'Manor House Mystery' Novels
 1) Grace Under Pressure  2010
 2) Grace Interrupted  2011
 3) Grace Among Thieves  2012
 4) Grace Takes Off  2013
 5) Grace Against the Clock  2014
 6) Grace Cries Uncle  2015
 7) Grace Sees Red  2016
 8) Grace to the Finish  2017
 'Alex St. James' Novels
 1) Artistic License  2004
 2) Deadly Blessings  2005
 3) Deadly Interest  2006
 4) Dead Ringer (with Michael A. Black)  2008
 Other Novels
 1) Virtual Sabotage  2018
