Iain Pears

Iain Pears has worked as an art historian, television consultant, and journalist. He is married and lives in Oxford with his wife and son. He is the creator of 'Flavia di Stefano and Jonathan Argyll', a member of Rome's Art Theft Squad and an English art dealer.


Titles and year of publication:  

'di Stefano and Argyll' Novels
 1) The Raphael Affair  1990
 2) The Titian Committee  1991
 3) The Last Judgement  1993
 4) The Bernini Bust  1994
 5) Death and Restoration  1996
 6) Giotto's Hand  1997
 7) The Immaculate Deception  2000
Other Novels
 1) An Instance of the Fingerpost  1998
 2) The Dream of Scipio  2002
 3) The Portrait  2005
 4) Stone's Fall  2009
 5) Arcadia  2015
