Victoria Tait

Victoria Tait was born in York. She has lived for 8 years in Kenia with her family. She is the creator of:
1. 'Cotswold Antique Mystery' series featuring Dotty Sayers, an antiques expert and amateur sleuth in the Cotswolds.
2. 'Dotty Sayers', a trainee antiques expert and amateur sleuth in the Cotswolds.
3. 'Kenya Kanga Mystery' series featuring "Mama Rose" Hardie, an elderly amateur sleuth and retired veterinarian.
4. 'Waterwheel Cafe Mystery' series featuring Sergeant Keya Varma.
Visit also this site.


Titles and year of publication:  

'Cotswold Antique Mystery' Novels
 1) An Auction of Secrets  Due June 2025
 2) A Wicket of Lies  Due August 2025
 3) A Pantomime of Peril  Due November 2025
'Dotty Sayers' Novels
 1) Fake Death  2022
 2) Valued for Murder  2022
 3) Bidding for Revenge  2022
 4) Gavels, Tinsel and Murder  2022
 5) Antique Tragedy  2022
 6) Priceless Betrayal  2023
 7) Deadly Performance  2023
 8) Holly, Baubles and Murder  2023
 9) Daffodils and Deadly Deeds  2024
10) Halloween Parade Peril  2024
11) Yuletide Market Murder  2024
12) Tartan, Treasures and Trouble  2025
'Kenya Kanga Mystery' Novels
 1) Fowl Murder  2020
 2) Tusk Justice  2020
 3) Rhino Charge  2021
 4) Jackal & Hide  2021
 5) Grevy Danger  2021
 6) Wild Dog Revenge  2021
'Waterwheel Cafe Myster' Novels
 1) Earl Grey and Shallow Graves  2023
 2) Darjeeling and a Deadly Disappearance  2023
 3) Vanilla Chai and a Vanishing Victim  2024
 4) Chamomile Tea and a Copycat Crime  2024
 5) Mint Tea and a Midsummer Murder  2024
 6) Hot Chocolate and a Festive Fatality  2024
