Becki Willis

Becki Willis lives in Marquez, Texas with her husband. She also writes romance novels. She is the creator of:
1. 'Mirrors Don't Lie Mystery' series featuring Kenzie Reese, a photojournalist.
2. 'Spirit of Texas Cozy Mystery' series featuring Hannah Duncan, the owner of the small town of Hannah, Texas.
3. 'Texas General Cozy Cases of Mystery' series featuring Laurel Benson, an ER head nurse and amateur sleuth.
4. 'The Sisters, Texas Mystery' series featuring Madison Reynolds, an amateur sleuth and Brash deCordova, Chief of Police in The Sisters, Texas.
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Titles and year of publication:  

 'Mirrors Don't Lie Mystery' Novels
 1) The Girl from Her Mirror  2014
 2) Mirror, Mirror on Her Wall  2014
 3) Light from Her Mirror  2014
 'Spirit of Texas Cozy Mystery' Novels
 1) Inn the Spirit of Legends  2018
 2) Inn the Spirit of Trickery  2019
 3) Inn the Spirit of Competition  2020
 'Texas General Cozy Cases of Mystery' Novels
 1) A Case of Murder by Monte Carlo  2019
 2) A Case of Death in Disguise  2020
 3) A Case of Strangulation by a Stranger  2021
 'The Sisters, Texas Mystery' Novels
 1) Chicken Scratch  2015
 2) When the Stars Fall  2015
 3) Stipulations and Complications  2016
 4) Home Again: Starting Over  2016
 5) Genny’s Ballad  2017
 6) Christmas in The Sisters  2017
 7) The Lilac Code  2018
 8) Wildflower Wedding  2019
 9) Sitting on a Fortune  2020
10) Rose by Any Other Name  2020
11) Bye, Buy Baby  2021
12) Murder Worth a Thousand Words  2021
13) Superstitions and Apparitions  2022
14) Murder at the Stroke of Midnight  2022
15) Sunshine and Secrets  2023
16) Dollars or Death  2023
17) Weight of the Badge  2023
18) Wheeling and Dealing (e-book)  2024
 Other Novels
 1) Forgotten Boxes  2015
 2) Tangible Spirits  2017
 3) He Kills Me, He Kills Me Not (Revised edition: The Stalker [2023])  2017
 4) Plain Roots (Also published as: The Widow's Baby [2023])  2018
 5) Keep Your Doors Locked  2023
