Jasper Fforde

Jasper Fforde was born in London. He now lives in Wales. He is the creator of 'Thursday Next', head of JurisFiction and ex-SpecOps agent. Visit also the author's own site.


Titles and year of publication:  

'Thursday Next' Novels
 1) The Eyre Affair  2001
 2) Lost in a Good Book  2002
 3) The Well of Lost Plots  2003
 4) Something Rotten  2004
 5) First Among Sequels  2007
 6) One of Our Thursdays Is Missing  2011
 7) The Woman Who Died a Lot  2012
Other Novels
 1) The Big Over Easy  2005
 2) The Fourth Bear  2006
 3) Shades of Grey  2009
 4) Early Riser  2018
