Faye Kellerman

Faye Kellerman was born in St. Louis. She is married to Jonathan Kellerman and the mother of Jesse Kellerman. She is the creator of 'Peter Decker', an LAPD homicide detective. Visit also the author's own site.


Titles and year of publication:  

'Peter Decker' Novels
 1) The Ritual Bath (Macavity Award)  1986
 2) Sacred and Profane  1987
 3) Milk and Honey  1990
 4) Day of Atonement  1991
 5) False Prophet  1992
 6) Grievous Sin  1993
 7) Sanctuary  1994
 8) Justice  1995
 9) Prayers for the Dead  1996
10) Serpent's Tooth  1997
11) Jupiter's Bones  1999
12) Stalker  2000
13) The Forgotten  2001
14) Stone Kiss  2002
15) Street Dreams  2003
16) The Burnt House  2007
17) The Mercedes Coffin (UK Title: Cold Case [2008])  2008
18) Blindman's Bluff  2009
19) Hangman  2010
20) Gun Games (UK Title: Blood Games [2012])  2012
21) The Beast  2013
22) Murder 101  2014
23) The Theory of Death  2015
24) Bone Box  2017
25) Walking Shadows  2018
26) Lost Boys  2021
27) The Hunt  2022
Other Novels
 1) The Quality of Mercy  1989
 2) Moon Music  1998
 3) Double Homicide: Boston; Santa Fe (with Jonathan Kellerman)  2004
 4) Straight Into Darkness  2005
 5) The Garden of Eden and Other Criminal Delights (short stories)  2006
 6) Capital Crimes (with Jonathan Kellerman)  2006
 7) Killing Season  2017
