Andy Maslen

Andy Maslen was born in Nottingham. He currently lives in Wiltshire with his family. He is an author and copywriter. He is the creator of:
1. 'Gabriel Wolfe', a British Special Forces veteran.
2. 'Henry Ford', a Detective Inspector in Wiltshire.
3. 'Kat Ballantyne', a Detective Sergeant in Middlehampton.
4. 'Stella Cole', a Detective Inspector in London.
Visit also this site.


Titles and year of publication:  

 'Gabriel Wolfe' Novels
 1) Trigger Point  2015
 2) Reversal of Fortune (e-story)  2015
 3) Blind Impact  2016
 4) Condor  2016
 5) First Casualty  2016
 6) Fury  2017
 7) Rattlesnake  2018
 8) Minefield (novella)  2018
 9) No Further  2018
10) Torpedo  2019
11) Three Kingdoms  2019
12) Ivory Nation  2020
13) Crooked Shadow  2021
14) Brass Vows  2022
15) Seven Seconds  2023
16) Peacemaker  Due September 2024
 'Henry Ford' Novels
 1) Shallow Ground  2020
 2) Land Rites  2021
 3) Plain Dead  2021
 'Kat Ballantyne' Novels
 1) The Seventh Girl  2023
 2) The Unseen Sister  2024
 3) The Silent Wife  Due August 2024
 'Stella Cole' Novels
 1) Hit and Run  2017
 2) Hit Back Harder  2017
 3) Hit and Done  2018
 4) Let the Bones Be Charred  2019
 5) Weep Willow, Weep (e-story)  2020
 6) A Beautiful Breed of Evil  2021
 7) Death Wears a Golden Cloak  2021
 8) See the Dead Birds Fly  2022
 9) Playing the Devil's Music  2023
 Other Novels
 1) Blood Loss  2018
 2) Purity Kills  2021
