P.A. Brown

Pat Brown lives in London, Ontario, Canada. She is the creator of:
1. 'David Laine and Chris Bellamere', a gay police detective and his lover in Los Angeles, California.
2. 'Alexander Spider', a gay homicide detective in Santa Barbara, California.


Titles and year of publication:  

 'David Laine and Chris Bellamere' Novels
 1) L.A. Heat  2006
 2) L.A. Mischief  2008
 3) Halloween Pickup (e-story)  2008
 4) L.A. Boneyard  2009
 5) L.A. Bytes  2010
 6) Bermuda Heat  2011
 'Alexander Spider' Novels
 1) The Geography of Murder (Also published as: Geography of Murder [2012])  2009
 2) A Forest of Corpses  2010
 Other Novels
 1) Memory of Darkness  2009
