Rose Pascoe

Pseudonym of Sue Triggs. She lives in Raumati Beach, New Zealand. She has worked in health, justice, and social research. She also writes in other genres. She is the creator of the 'Penrose & Pyke Mystery' series featuring medical student Grace Penrose and Detective Constable Charlie Pyke in 1890s New Zealand. Visit also this site.


Titles and year of publication:  

 1) Murder in the Devil's Half Acre  2022
 2) Murder Most Melancholy  2022
 3) Murder by Vote  2023
 4) Murder in the Moonlight  2023
 5) Murder So Rash  2023
 6) Tinsel and Trickery (novella)  2023
 7) Murder Ignited  2024
 8) Murder Over Gold  2024
 9) Empty Cradle  Due April 2025
