Peter Turnbull

Peter Turnbull was born in Rotherham, Yorkshire. He worked as a social worker in Glasgow. He is the creator of:
1. 'P Division', a special team of the Glasgow police force.
2. 'George Hennessy', a Detective Chief Inspector in North Yorkshire.
3. 'Harry Vicary', a Detective Inspector in London.


Titles and year of publication:  

'P Division' Novels
 1) Deep and Crisp and Even  1981
 2) Dead Knock  1982
 3) Fair Friday  1983
 4) Big Money  1984
 5) Two Way Cut  1988
 6) Condition Purple  1989
 7) And Did Murder Him  1991
 8) Long Day Monday  1992
 9) The Killing Floor  1994
10) The Man with No Face  1998
'George Hennessey' Novels
 1) Fear of Drowning  2000
 2) Deathtrap  2000
 3) Perils and Dangers  2001
 4) The Return  2001
 5) After the Flood  2002
 6) Dark Secrets  2002
 7) All Roads Leadeth  2003
 8) Treasure Trove  2003
 9) The Dance Master  2004
10) Hopes and Fears  2004
11) Chill Factor  2005
12) The Legacy  2005
13) False Knight  2006
14) Fire Burn  2006
15) Chelsea Smile  2007
16) Once a Biker  2007
17) No Stone Unturned  2008
18) Turning Point  2008
19) Informed Consent  2009
20) Aftermath  2010
21) Deliver Us from Evil  2010
22) The Altered Case  2012
23) Gift Wrapped  2013
24) A Dreadful Past  2016
25) Cold Wrath  2018
'Harry Vicary' Novels
 1) Improving the Silence  2010
 2) Deep Cover  2011
 3) The Garden Party  2012
 4) Denial of Murder  2014
 5) In Vino Veritas  2016
Other Novels
 1) The Claws of the Gryphon  1986
 2) The Justice Game  1990
 3) Embracing Skeletons  1996
 4) Reality Checkpoint  2004
 5) Hopes & Fears  2004
 6) Trophy Wife  2005
 7) Sweet Humphrey  2006
 8) A Cold Case  2017
