Clifford Witting

Clifford Witting was born in London. He was educated at Eltham College, London. He served in the Royal Artillery as a bombardier and in the Royal Army Ordnance Corps as a warrant officer.


Titles and year of publication:  

 1) Murder in Blue  1937
 2) Midsummer Murder  1937
 3) The Case of the Michaelmas Goose  1938
 4) Catt Out of the Bag  1939
 5) Measure for Murder  1941
 6) Subject - Murder  1945
 7) Let X Be the Murderer  1947
 8) Dead on Time  1948
 9) A Bullet for Rhino  1950
10) The Case of the Busy Bees  1952
11) Silence After Dinner  1952
12) Mischief in the Offing  1958
13) There Was a Crooked Man  1960
14) Driven to Kill  1961
15) Villainous Saltpetre  1962
16) Crime in Whispers  1964
