Adele Abbott

Adele Abbott is probably a house name or a pseudonym. He, she or they also write(s) romantic comedies. He, she, or they is/are the creator(s) of:
1. 'Kat Royle', a private investigator.
2. 'Susan Hall', an investigative reporter.
3. 'Witch P.I. Mystery' series featuring Jill Gooder, a witch and private investigator.
Visit also this site.


Titles and year of publication:  

 'Kat Royle' Novels
 1) Murder on Account  2019
 'Susan Hall' Novels
 1) Whoops! Our New Flatmate Is a Human  2016
 2) Whoops! All the Money Went Missing  2017
 3) Whoops! Someone Is On Our Case  2017
 4) Whoops! We’re in Big Trouble Now  2018
 'Witch P.I. Mystery' Novels
 1) Witch Is When It All Began  2015
 2) Witch Is When Life Got Complicated  2015
 3) Witch Is When Everything Went Crazy  2015
 4) Witch Is When Things Fell Apart  2015
 5) Witch Is When the Bubble Burst  2015
 6) Witch Is When the Penny Dropped  2015
 7) Witch Is When the Floodgates Opened  2016
 8) Witch Is When the Hammer Fell  2016
 9) Witch Is When My Heart Broke  2016
10) Witch Is When I Said Goodbye  2016
11) Witch Is When Stuff Got Serious  2016
12) Witch Is When All Was Revealed  2016
13) Witch Is Why Time Stood Still  2016
14) Witch Is Why the Laughter Stopped  2016
15) We Witch You a Merry Christmas (short story)  2016
16) Witch Is Why Another Door Opened  2016
17) Witch Is Why Two Became One  2016
18) Witch Is Why the Moon Disappeared  2017
19) Witch Is Why the Wolf Howled  2017
20) Witch Is Why the Music Stopped  2017
21) Witch Is Why a Pin Dropped  2016
22) Witch Is Why the Owl Returned  2017
23) Witch Is Why the Search Began  2017
24) Witch Is Why Promises Were Broken  2017
25) Witch Is Why It Was Over  2018
26) Witch Is How Things Had Changed  2018
27) Witch Is How Berries Tasted Good  2018
28) Witch Is How the Mirror Lied  2018
29) Witch Is How the Tables Turned  2018
30) Witch Is How the Drought Ended  2019
31) Witch Is How the Dice Fell  2019
32) Witch Is How the Biscuits Disappeared  2019
33) Witch Is How Dreams Became Reality  2019
34) Witch Is How Bells Were Saved  2019
35) Witch Is How To Fool Cats  2019
36) Witch Is How To Lose Big  2020
37) Witch Is How Life Changed Forever  2020
38) Witch Is Where Magic Lives Now  2020
39) Witch Is Where Clowns Go to Die  2020
40) Witch Is Where Squirrels Go Nuts  2021
41) Witch Is Where Rainbows End  2021
42) Witch Is Where Unicorns Cry  2021
43) Witch Is Where the Lights Went Out  2022
44) Witch Is Where Fairies Wing It  2022
45) Witch Is Where Roses Bloom Early  2022
46) Witch Is Where Decisions Are Made  2023
47) Witch Is Where Gnomes Rule  2023
48) Witch Is Where Cats Always Win  2023
49) Witch Is Where Chickens Go to Roost  2024
50) Witch Is the Nest Now Empty  2024
51) Witch Is the Hardest Pill to Swallow  2025
52) Witch Is the Joke No One Got  Due August 2025
53) Witch Is the Lamest Excuse Ever  Due February 2026
