Michelle Francik

Michelle Francik lives in South Lake Tahoe, California. She also writes children’s books. She is the creator of:
1. 'Danger and Donahues Romantic Cozy Mystery' series featuring different members of the Donahue family.
2. 'Enchantingly Yours' series featuring different protagonists (the series was first called 'Bewitching the Rich Guy').
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Titles and year of publication:  

'Danger and Donahues Romantic Cozy Mystery' Novels
 1) Murder and a Pinch of Rosemary  2021
 2) Murder in the Maternity Ward  2021
 3) Murder in the Houston High Rise  2021
'Enchantingly Yours' Novels
 1) A Get Witch Quick Scheme (Also published as: When Witches Come True [revised edition 2021])  2020
 2) Filthy Stinking Witch (Also published as: Heartfelt Witches [revised edition 2021])  2020
 3) Poor Little Witch (Also published as: Witchful Thinking [revised edition 2021])  2020
 4) Careful What You Witch For  2021
Other Novels
 1) Bewitching Henry (novella)  2021
