Andrew Gross

Andrew Gross was born in New York City. He is the creator of 'Ty Hauck', a detective in Greenwich. Gross also writes together with James Patterson. Visit also this site.


Titles and year of publication:  

 'Ty Hauck' Novels
 1) The Dark Tide  2008
 2) Don’t Look Twice  2009
 3) Reckless  2010
 4) One Mile Under  2015
 Other Novels
 1) 2nd Chance (with James Patterson)  2002
 2) The Jester (with James Patterson)  2003
 3) 3rd Degree (with James Patterson)  2004
 4) Lifeguard (with James Patterson)  2005
 5) Judge & Jury (with James Patterson)  2006
 6) The Blue Zone  2007
 7) Eyes Wide Open (UK Title: Killing Hour [2011])  2011
 8) 15 Seconds  2012
 9) No Way Back  2013
10) Everything to Lose  2014
11) The One Man  2016
12) The Saboteur (Also published as: The Spy [2018])  2017
13) Button Man (UK Title: The Last Brother [2018])  2018
14) The Fifth Column  2019
