Andrew Raymond

Andrew Raymond lives in Glasgow, Scotland with his family. He is the creator of:
1. 'Duncan Grant', an MI6 covert operative.
2. 'John Lomond', a Detective Chief Inspector in Scotland.
3. 'Tom Novak and Stella Mitchell', star reporters at The Republic in New York City.
Visit also this site.


Titles and year of publication:  

 'Duncan Grant' Novels
 1) Kill Day  2021
 2) Dead Flags  2021
 3) The Last Albion  2024
 'John Lomond' Novels
 1) The Bonnie Dead  2022
 2) The Shortlist  2023
 3) The Bloody, Bloody Banks  2023
 4) Cold Open  2024
 'Tom Novak and Stella Mitchell' Novels
 1) Official Secrets  2018
 2) Capitol Spy  2019
 3) Traitor Games  2020
 4) True Republic  2021
 5) Blood Money  2023
