Michele Giuttari

Michele Giuttari was born in Sicily. He spent half of his working life in Calabria investigating Mafia kidnappings. He was part of the AntiMafia Squad in Naples and Florence and in 1995, he took over the Squadra Mobile (flying squad) in Florence. He is the creator of 'Michele Ferrara', a Chief Superintendent in Florence. Visit also his official site.


Titles and year of publication:  

 1) A Florentine Death  2007 (Italy 2004)
 2) A Death in Tuscany  2008 (Italy 2005)
 3) The Death of a Mafia Don  2009 (Italy 2007)
 4) A Death in Calabria  2010 (Italy 2009)
 5) The Black Rose of Florence  2012 (Italy 2010)
 6) The Dark Heart of Florence  2013 (Italy 2012)
 7) Death Under a Tuscan Sun  2015 (Italy 2013)
