Pseudonyms N-S

Real Name
Nadal, Jay
Umesh Damania
Nash, Noel
Jack Patterson
Neale, Tom
Robert Ryan
Nebrensky, Alex
Parley Joseph Cooper
Nelscott, Kris
Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Ness, Lucy
Constance "Connie" Laux
Neville, Robert
Shaun Hutson
Nichols, Leigh
Dean Ray Koontz
Nicolas, F.R.E.
Nicolas Freeling
Nile, Dorothea
Michael Angelo Avallone
Nixx, J.D.
J.D. Rhoades
Noone, Edwina
Michael Angelo Avallone
Norst, Joel
Kirk Mitchell
North, Alex
Steve Mosby
North, Anthony
Dean Ray Koontz
North, Barclay
William Cadwalader Hudson
North, Gil
Geoffrey Horne
North, Howard
Elleston Trevor
North, Jack
John Nix Pentelow
North, Sarah
Jean Hager
Novak, Chase
Scott Spencer
Oak, B.B.
Ben and Beth Oak
O'Brian, Frank
Brian Garfield
O'Brien, Flann
Brian O'Nolan
O'Brien, Richard
Tom Ardies
Ockley, Martha
Rebecca Jenkins
O'Connor, Carlene
Mary Carter
O'Hara, Kevin
Marten Cumberland
Oliphant, B.J.
Sheri Stewart Tepper
Oliver, Gail
Marian Gallagher Scott
Oliver, Mary
Katherine Kristine Beck Marris
Olsen, D.B.
Julia Clara Catherine Dolores Birk Olsen Hitchens
Omer, Mike
Alex Rivers
O'Neal, James
James O. Born
Orde, A.J.
Sheri Stewart Tepper
Osborne, Mark
John William Bobin
O'Shaughnessy, Perri
Pamela and Mary O'Shaughnessy
O'Shea, Sean
Sandor Robert Tralins
Owen, Philip
Judson Philips
Packer, Vin
Marijane Agnes Meaker
Padgett, Lewis
Henry Kuttner and C.L. Moore
Page, Alain
Jean-Emmanuel Conil
Page, Emma
Honoria Tirbutt
Page, Marco
Harry Kurnitz
Page, Nora
Ann Brucklacher Perramond
Paige, Richard
Dean Ray Koontz
Paige, Robin
Susan Wittig Albert and Bill Albert
Paine, Michael
John Michael Curlovich
Paradise, Mary
Dorothy Enid Eden
Paris, Ann
Orania Papazoglou
Paris, B.A.
Bernadette Anne MacDougall
Parris, S.J.
Stephanie Merritt
Parrish, Frank
Roger Erskine Longrigg
Parrish, P.J.
Kristy Montee and Kelly Nichols
Parry, Ambrose
Christopher Brookmyre and Marisa Haetzman
Parry, Owen
Ralph Peters
Partridge, Anthony
Edward Phillips Oppenheim
Pascoe, Rose
Sue Triggs
Pastor, Ben
Maria Verbena Volpi
Patrick, Renee
Vince and Rosemarie Keenan
Patrick, Q.
Hugh Callingham Wheeler and Richard Wilson Webb
Patrick, Q.
Richard Wilson Webb
Patrick, Q.
Richard Wilson Webb and Martha Mott Kelley
Patrick, Q.
Richard Wilson Webb and Mary Louise Aswell
Patterson, Kathryn
Laurent Boulanger
Payne, Alan
John William Jakes
Payne, Rachel Ann
John William Jakes
Peacock, Caro
Gillian Linscott
Peale, Cynthia
Nancy Zaroulis
Pell, Robert
David James Hagberg
Pelt, Nicholas van
Richard Duane Hoyt
Pendleton, Don (house name)
Tom Arnett, Michael A. Black, Alan Bomack, E. Richard Churchill, Jerry Van Cook, Chet Cunningham, Les Danforth, Kent Delaney, Carl Furst, Jack Garside, Tom Jagninski, Steven Mark Krauzer, Peter Leslie, James Lord, Charlie McDade, Mick McQuay, Stephen Mertz, Patrick Neary, Michael Newton, Raymond Obstfeld, Mel Odom, Kevin Randle, Mark Sadler, Kirk Sanson, Dan Schmidt, Dick Stivers, Gayle Stone and Saul Wernick
Penn, John
Palma Harcourt and Jack H. Trotman
Pennac, Daniel
Daniel Pennachioni
Penny, Rupert
Ernest Basil Charles Thornett
Penrose, Andrea
Andrea DaRif
Penrose, Anna
Liz Hurley
Perona, Elizabeth
Tony Perona and Liz Dombrosky
Pentecost, Hugh
Judson Philips
Pepper, Kate
Katia Spiegelman Lief
Perowne, Barry
Philip Atkey
Perry, Anne
Juliet Hulme
Perry, Dana
Richard G. Belsky
Perry, Leigh
Toni L.P. Kelner
Perry, Will
William J. Weatherby
Peters, Bill
William P. McGivern
Peters, Elizabeth
Barbara Louise Gross Mertz
Peters, Ellis
Edith Mary Pargeter
Peterson, Keith
Andrew Klavan
Petrie, Rhona
Eileen-Marie Duell Buchanan
Pewsey, Elizabeth
Elizabeth Edmondson
Phillips, Jean
Francis Swann
Phillips, Mark
Gordon Randall Phillips Garrett and Laurence Mark Harris
Phillips, T.J.
Tom Savage
Picton, Bernard
Bernard Knight
Pike, Penny
Penny Warner
Pike, Robert L.
Robert Lloyd Fish
Pilgrim, David
Hilary St. George Saunders and John Leslie Palmer
Pill, Maggie
Peg Herring
Pine, Alex
James Raven
Pine, William
Terry William Harknett
Platt, Robert
Robert Vern DeWard
Platts, A. Monmouth
Anthony Berkeley Cox
Plum, Jennifer
Michael Joseph Kurland
Porlock, Martin
Philip MacDonald
Powers, Sam
Ian Loome
Pré, Jean-Anne
Michael Angelo Avallone
Prescott, Michael
Douglas Child Borton
Price, Suzanne
Jerome Preisler and Suzanne Preisler
Proudfoot, Walter
John George Haslette Vahey
Pugh, Dianne G.
Dianne Emley
Quain, Broderick
Edmund Cooper
Quarry, Nick
Marvin Hubert Albert
Quartermain, James
James William Broom-Lynne
Queen, Ellery
Frederic Dannay and Manfred Bennington Lee
Queen, Ellery (house name)
Gil Brewer, Richard Deming, Fletcher Flora, Edward D. Hoch, Henry Kane, Stephen Marlowe, Talmage Powell, Charles W. Runyon, Walt Sheldon, Jack Vance
Quentin, Patrick
Hugh Callingham Wheeler and Richard Wilson Webb
Quick, Amanda
Jayne Ann Krentz
Quill, Monica
Ralph McInerny
Quinn, Elizabeth
Beth Quinn Barnard
Quinn, Lucy
Deanna Chase and Violet Vaughn
Quinn, Simon
Martin William Smith
Quinn, Spencer
Peter Abrahams
Quinnel, A.J.
Philip Nicholson
Radley, Sheila
Sheila Mary Robinson
Raine, Richard
Raymond Harold Sawkins
Ramm, Carl
Randy Wayne White
Rampo, Edogawa
Tarō Hirai
Ramsey, Eric
David James Hagberg
Rand, William
William Roos
Randall, Bob
Stanley B. Goldstein
Randall, Brant
Bruce R. Cook
Randall, Diane
William Edward Daniel Ross
Randall, Joshua
Robert Joseph Randisi
Randolph, Ellen
William Edward Daniel Ross
Randolph, Marion
Marie Freid Rodell
Ransom, Daniel
Edward Joseph Gorman
Ransome, Stephen
Frederick C. Davis
Rattray, Simon
Elleston Trevor
Raven, Daniel
Eugene Michael Lazuta
Raven, Jaime
James Raven
Ravensworth, Millie
Heide Goody and Iain Grant
Rayburn, James
Roger Smith
Raymond, Derek
Robert William Arthur Cook
Rayne, Sarah
Bridget Wood
Rayner, Elizabeth
Marie Adelaide Elizabeth Rayner Belloc
Read, Patrick
Michael Derek Allen
Reade, Bill
Alan White
Redfern, John
Edith Mary Pargeter
Redgate, John
Adam Kennedy
Redmond, Heather
Heather Hiestand
Redwing, Morris
James Milford Merrill
Redwood, Alec
George Alexis Bankoff
Reed, Eliot
Eric Ambler
Reed, Emily
Emily Kimelman
Reed, Hannah
Deb Baker
Reede, Abby
Amber Crewes
Rees, Dilwyn
Glyn Daniel
Regester, Seeley
Metta Victoria Fuller Victor
Reid, Desmond (house name)
W. Howard Baker, Sydney James Bounds, Noel Browne, John Burke, A. Cahill, John Newton Chance, Rex Dolphin, Anthony Douse,
Robert Cowell Elliott, Stephen D. Frances, A. Garstin, Anthony Arthur Glynn, S. Hall, Victor J. Hanson, Frank Lambe,
Christopher Lowder, G.P. Mann, A.L. Martin, Brian McArdle, Wilfred McNeilly, Eddie Player, Ross Richards, Lee Roberts,
Colin Robertson, Gordon Sowman, James Stagg, Rosamond Mary Story and George Heber Teed
Reid, Matthew
Quintin Jardine
Rénin, Paul
Richard Goyne
Rennert, Maggie
Bernice J. Nunley
Rhea, Nicholas
Peter Norman Walker
Rhoads, Colleen
Colleen Coble
Rhode, Austen
Basil Hoskins Francis
Rhode, John
Cecil John Charles Street
Rhodes, Daniel
Neil McMahon
Rhys, Rachel
Tamar Cohen
Rice, Craig
Georgiana Ann Randolph Craig
Rich, Nicholas
Charles Arthur Whitman
Richards, Clay
Kendell Foster Crossen
Richards, Curtis
Richard Alan Curtis
Richards, Francis
Frances and Richard Lockridge
Richards, Paul (house name)
Chet Cunningham, Jon Messmann, George Snyder and Dan Streib
Richards, William
Gunnar Hjerstedt
Rider, J.W.
Shane Craig Stevens
Ridgway, Jason
Stephen Marlowe (Milton Lesser)
Riggs, Catharine
Catharine Elizabeth Manset Morreale
Ring, Douglas
Richard Scott Prather
Ripley, J.R.
Glenn Meganck
Ripley, Jack
John William Wainwright
Ripley, Nathan
Naben Ruthnum
Ritchie, Jack
John George Reitci
Rjndt, Philippe van
Oleg Michaelchuk
Robb, J.D.
Nora Roberts
Roberts, Gillian
Judith A. Greber
Roberts, James Hall
Robert Lipscomb Duncan
Roberts, Lee
Robert Lee Martin
Roberts, Natalie M.
Natalie R. Collins
Robertson, Manning K.
John Stephen Glasby
Robertson, Stephen
Robert Wayne Walker
Robeson, Kenneth (house name)
Martin E. Baker, William G. Bogart, Evelyn Coulson, Harold A. Davis, Lester Dent, Lawrence Donovan, Ron Goulart, Alan Hathway, Will Murray, W. Ryerson Johnson
Rogers, Steve
Percy Arthur Clarke
Rohmer, Sax
Arthur Henry Ward
Rollins, James
Jim Czajkowski
Rolls, Anthony
Colwyn Edward Vulliamy
Rome, Anthony
Marvin Hubert Albert
Ronald, E.B.
Ronald Ernest Barker
Ronns, Edward
Edward S. Aarons
Roos, Kelley
Audrey Kelley Roos and William Roos
Rose, M.J.
Melisse Shapiro
Rose, ML
Mick Bose
Rose, Willow
Therese Philipsen
Rosen, Delia
Jerome Preisler, Suzanne Preisler and Jeff Rovin
Ross, Albert
Arthur David Goldstein
Ross, Barnaby
Frederic Dannay and Manfred Bennington Lee
Ross, Bradley
Richard Wilkes-Hunter
Ross, Cameron
Douglas Stewart
Ross, Carlton
Edwy Searles Brooks
Ross, Clarissa
William Edward Daniel Ross
Ross, Dan
William Edward Daniel Ross
Ross, Dana
William Edward Daniel Ross
Ross, Frank
Colin Northway and Michael Ewing
Ross, Ivan T.
Robert Rossner
Ross, James L.
John C. Boland
Ross, Jonathan
John Rossiter
Ross, Marilyn
William Edward Daniel Ross
Ross, Philip
Philip R. Eck
Rossetti, Minerva
Donald Sydney Rowland
Rothery, Tess
Traci Tyne Hilton
Rothman, Judith
Maureen Peters
Rowan, Hester
Sheila Mary Robinson
Roy, Allyson
Roy and Alicia Street
Royce, Kenneth
Kenneth Royce Gandley
Rozan, S.J.
Shira Rosan
Ruell, Patrick
Reginald Charles Hill
Ruryk, Jean
Jean Shepherd
Russell, Arthur
Arthur Russell Goode
Russell, Charlotte
Carl Henry Rathjen
Rutger, Michael
Michael Marshall Smith
Rutherford, Anne
Julianne Ardian Lee
Rutherford, Douglas
James Douglas Rutherford McConnell
Rutland, Harriet
Olive Shimwell
Ryan, Annelise
Beth Amos
Ryan, Chris
Colin Armstrong
Ryan, Jenna
Jacqueline Goff
Ryan, R.R.
Evelyn Grosvenor Bradley
Ryan, Sofie
Darlene Ryan
Ryck, Francis
Yves Delville
Rydell, Forbes
DeLoris Florine Stanton Forbes and Helen B. Rydell
Ryder, Jess
Jan Page
Ryder, Jonathan
Robert Ludlum
Ryland, Clive
Clive Ryland Priestley
Ryland, John Knox
Ernest Shilston Watkins
Saber, Robert O.
Milton K. Ozaki
Sadler, Mark
Dennis Lynds
Sager, Riley
Todd Ritter
Sagola, Mario J.
Henry Kane
Saks, Elmer Eliot
Frank Dubrez Fawcett
Sale, Medora
Caroline Medora Sale Roe
Salisbury, Carola
John Michael "Mike" Butterworth
Sanborn, B.X.
William Sanborn Ballinger
Sanders, Buck
Thomas Adcock and Jeffrey Frentzen
Sanders, Daphne
Georgiana Ann Randolph Craig
Sandford, John
John Roswell Camp
Herman Cyril McNeile
Sargent, Patricia
Patricia Sargent Zegart
Sarne, Michael
Thomas Arthur Plummer
Sarsfield, Maureen
Maureen Kate Heard
Sarto, Ben (house name)
Frank Dubrez Fawcett, William Newton, Victor Norwood and Alistair John Blair Paterson
Saunders, Lawrence
Burton Davis and Clare Ogden Davis
Sava, George
George Alexis Bankoff
Savage, Alan
Christopher Robin Nicole
Savage, Richard
Ivan George William Roe
Saville, Andrew
Andrew Taylor
Saxon, Alex
William John Pronzini
Saxon, Peter (house name)
W. Howard Baker, Rex Dolphin, Stephen D. Frances, Thomas Hector Martin, Wilfred McNeilly and Ross Richards
Scarr, Louisa
Louisa de Lange
Scotland, Jay
John William Jakes
Scott, A.D.
Ann Deborah Nolan
Scott, Ariana
Elizabeth Adler
Scott, Eryn
Eryn Marie
Scott, Jack S.
Jonathan Escott
Scott, Jeremy
Kathleen Elsie Dick
Scott, M.K.
Scott and Morgan K. Wyatt
Scott, Marion
Marian Gallagher Scott
Scott, Maxwell
John William Staniforth
Scott, Roney
William Campbell Gault
Scott, Valerie
Donald Sydney Rowland
Scott, Warwick
Elleston Trevor
Seaton, Kay
Denice Jeanette Bradley-Ryan
Sedley, Kate
Brenda Margaret Lilian Honeyman Clarke
Sehler, Tom
Raoul Stephen Sehler
Selmark, George
Seldon Truss
Selwyn, Francis
Donald Thomas
Semyonov, Julian
Yulian Semyonovich Lyandres
Serafin, David
Ian David Lewis Michael
Shako, Marc W.
Marc Wobschall
Shannon, Brad
Victor Joseph Hanson
Shannon, Dell
Elizabeth Linington
Shannon, Harry
Harry Rivard Siebert
Shannon, Ray
Gar Anthony Haywood
Sharman, Miriam
Maisie Sharman Bolton
Sharp, Luke
Robert Barr
Sharp, S.K.
Stephen Deas
Shattuck, Richard
Dora Richards Shattuck
Shaw, Catherine
Leila Schneps
Shaw, L.C.
Lynne Constantine
Shaw, M.B.
Matilda Emily Mary "Tilly" Bagshawe
Shay, Liza
Robynn E. Sheahan
Shelby, Brit
James Thomas Grady
Shepherd, Michael
Robert Ludlum
Shepherd, Neal
Nigel Morland
Shilling, Bob
Hugh Michael Bonnin Stewart
Shuman, M.K.
Malcolm Shuman
Sigmore, Alex
Eric Warren
Silver, Samantha
Hannah McIntyre
Simpson, Alice
Celia Kinsey
Simpson, Ronald
Ronald Sugden Tilley
Sinclair, Dennis
Allan Geoffrey Yates
Sinclair, Jodie
Jodie Sinclair
Singer, Lee
Rochelle Singer
Slade, Michael
Jay Clarke, John Banks, Lee Clarke, Rebecca Clarke, and Richard Covell
Slate, Caroline
Carol Brennan
Slater, Sean
Sean Somerville
Smith, Barbara Burnett Smith
Barbara Jo Petry
Smith, Caesar
Elleston Trevor
Smith, Katherine
Kate Watterson
Smith, Rosamond
Joyce Carol Oates
Smith, Shelley
Nancy Hermione Bodington
Somers, John
Hilary St. George Saunders and John Leslie Palmer
Somers, Paul
Paul Winterton
Spain, John
Cleve Franklin Adams
Spatz, H. Donald
Donald Heber Spatz
Spencer, Hank (house name)
Frank Dubrez Fawcett, William Newton and Alistair John Blair Paterson
Spencer, Lee
William Murdoch Duncan
Spencer, Sally
Alan Rustage
Spinosa, Tony
Reed Farrel Coleman
Spring, Michelle
Michelle Stanworth
St. Anthony, Joyce
Joyce Tremel
St. Clair, Dexter
Prentice Winchell
St. Clare, Dexter
Prentice Winchell
St. James, Dorothy
Dorothy McFalls
St. James, Simone
Simone Seguin
St. John, David
Everette Howard Hunt
Stacey, Susannah
Jill Staynes and Margaret Storey
Stackelberg, Gene
Arthur Eugene Adams
Stafford, Caroline
Carolyn L. Teachey Watjen
Stagg, Michael
Michael William Regnier
Stagge, Jonathan
Hugh Callingham Wheeler and Richard Wilson Webb
Standish, Richard
Richard Goyne
Stanley, Bennett
Stanley Bennett Hough
Stanley, Guy
Stanley Guy
Stanley, J.B.
Ellery Adams
Stanley, John
John Dean
Stanley, Jennifer
Ellery Adams
Stanley, Michael
Michael Sears and Stanley Trollip
Stanton, Coralie
Alice Cecile Seymour Hosken
Stanton, Vance
Michael Angelo Avallone
Stark, Richard
Donald Edwin Westlake
Steed, Neville
Norman Sharam
Steel, Jack
Peter Stuart Smith
Steele, Chester K.
Edward Stratemeyer
Steele, Curtis
Frederick C. Davis
Steinway, Martha
Eva Hudson and Jo Monroe
Stephens, Reed
Stephen Reeder Donaldson
Sterling, Stewart
Prentice Winchell
Stern, Stuart
Hugh Crauford Rae and S. Ungar
Stevens, Curtis
Richard Alan Curtis and Paul Stevens
Stevenson, Richard
Richard Lipez
Stewart, Jay
Charles Stuart Palmer
Stirling, Jessica
Hugh Crauford Rae
Stokes, Cedric
George Cedric Beardmore
Stone, Hampton
Aaron Marc Stein
Stone, Thomas H.
Terry William Harknett
Stone, Zachary
Ken Follett
Storey, Alice
Sarah Shankman
Stratton, Thomas
Thomas Eugene DeWeese and Robert Stratton Coulson
Strayhorn, S.J.
Sharon Kay Epperson
Striker, Randy
Randy Wayne White
Stuart, Blair
Michael Ewing
Stuart, Ian
Alistair MacLean
Stuart, Sidney
Michael Angelo Avallone
Sullivan, Sean Mei
Gerald Allan "Jerry" Sohl Sr.
Sutherland, Morris
Gwendolen Sutherland Morris
Sutton, Henry
David Rytman Slavitt
Svensson, Anton
Anders Roslund and Stefan Thunberg
Swift, Anthony
J. Jefferson Farjeon
Swift, Benjamin
William Romaine Paterson
Swift, Bryan (house name)
William Cecil Knott, Richard Meyers and Arthur Wise
Swift, Virginia
Virginia Scharff
Szymiczkowa, Maryla
Jacek Dehnel and Piotr Tarczynski
